If you are struggling with depression, who can you reach out to for immediate help?
National Hopeline Network: Call 1-800-784-2433 to talk to someone right now. Remember you are not alone, and help is available.
National Hopeline Network: Call 1-800-784-2433 to talk to someone right now. Remember you are not alone, and help is available.
loss of interests in activities you previously enjoyed changes in sleep pattern feeling like you cannot take care of yourself feeling defeated suicidal thoughts
Harmful Smoking is a negative coping strategy and can lead to worse health outcomes
Helpful! Physical activity is a positive & healthy way to handle stress or difficult emotions
Journaling Reflecting Self-examination
2-3x more likely People with diabetes have a higher risk of suffering from depression compared to individuals without diabetes
Harmful Binge eating is a harmful coping mechanism and can lead to negative health effects.
Coping The way in which a person responds to and deals with life’s stressors and difficult emotions.
Step 4 Evaluate the Outcome The last step of the problem solving process is to evaluate the outcome. Did you successfully resolve your problem? What did and didn’t work?
Step 3 Take Action Once you have identified the problem and completed your brainstorming process, it is time to take action! Apply what you have learned through the problem solving process.Â