Diabetes Education is a critical standard of care, how do we expand access?

Diabetes self-management training can be prescribed by clinicians and is show to be a cost-effective way of improving diabetes outcomes. This prescriptive education is often called Diabetes Self-Management Training (DSMT) or Diabetes Self-Management Education / Support (DSME/S). Both acronyms are synonymous.
It’s available for 10 hours for the first year it’s prescribed and 2 hours of continued learning for subsequent years. A credentialed program must meet minimum standards set forth by the ADA and cover topics including testing guidelines, recommendations, healthy eating, physical activity, medications, complications, and coping/problem solving techniques. The problem, though, is that less than 5% of eligible beneficiaries receive this service.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) and other authorities call for increased access to Diabetes Self-Management Training (DSMT) through innovative and non-traditional methods, including web based programs.
Glucose Guards answers this call. The Glucose Guards diabetes curriculum is modeled off of the educational standards sets forth by the ADA and is credentialed in NY to perform formal DSMT. Don’t have a prescription? That’s ok! Create an account for free to access the curriculum or subscribe to a coaching program for 1-on-1 sessions with a personal diabetes coach.

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Member Success Story A.R.

I wish that everyone could have a team, like the one that I have… that is what Marisa and Faith are to me. I will take them in my heart, wherever I go. And remember everything that they have taught me, and that I can make it to 100 [years old]!

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Member Success Story Brent

“It’s cool to see my [average blood sugar] slope… because sometimes the whole forest through the trees thing feels like it’s just a drop in the bucket but then you look back and you just realize how far you’ve come.”​

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DSMES Consensus Statement

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) and other authorities call for increased access to Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) through innovative and non-traditional methods, including web based programs.

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